Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
Spring Term 1
Welcome back! We are very excited for the start of the new year and are looking forward to working with you to achieve the best that we can.
This half-term our topics are: Rivers in Geography and Living Things and Habitats in Science. The book that we will be reading is 'Floodland'. We will occasionally send home projects based on these areas of learning - please look out for them.
Homework will be set on Google Classroom. It will be posted on Friday with the expectation that it is returned by the following Wednesday.
Children also have access to 'Reading Eggs' and 'Mathletics' logins. They should be spending around 30 minutes a day on each of these programmes.
Reading records should be filled in daily by children, there is no expectation for parents to sign these. School uniform should be worn every day (red school jumper / fleece, grey trousers / skirts; red checked summer dresses or shorts in the warmer weather), including black shoes or trainers. No tracksuit bottoms or leggings are allowed.
Our PE days are Monday (am) and Tuesday (pm). The PE kit (black bottoms and a plain white t-shirt) should be brought in a bag ready to change into. Children should NOT be wearing thier PE kits under their school uniforms.
We have trips planned to The British Museum on 27th January (please see Miss Komur if you would like to come with us) and a visit to The River Lea being organised - please look out for dates on the school website.
Year 5 have a 'soft start' from 8:45am (Tuesday - Friday). Please encourage your child to attend this as it is a change to address misconceptions from the day before and ensures that we start learning promptly at 9am. If you have any questions regarding this or any aspect of your child's learning or welfare, please make an appointment to see one of the Year 5 teaching team. Thank you.
Curriculum Map
If you would like more information about the curriculum SPSM follows, please ask your child's class teacher. Thank you.