
Welcome to Nursery's Class Page
Spring Term 1
Welcome to Spring Term 1! We hope that you all had an enjoyable Christmas break and the Nursery team would like to wish you a Happy New Year.
Our topic this term will be Homes and Gardens. We will look at different types of homes for ourselves and animals. In Spring 2, we will extend this by growing plants in the garden.
There will be lots of opportunities for 'where' sentences and questions which will get our children talking. Great examples of these questions could be: 'Where do we cook our dinner?', 'Where do we have a bath?'. These can be extended with some 'why' questions to really get the children thinking and talking! An example of this could be, 'Why do we need to have a bath every day?'.
Our letters and sounds journey will continue, alongside our numbers journey. We will begin this term with the 'e' sound which will be carried over a couple of weeks as it is one of the trickier sounds to form! To begin the term, we have been doing lots of counting and our next number focus will be seven as we build up to ten. We have been singing 'Five Current Buns' and counting forwards and backwards from five as well as looking at one less.
All children should now have their 'Reading Eggs' logon details so please have a go at the fast phonics activities, children can earn a certificate for this each week in our special awards assembly. Well done to all the children who have received certificates already, keep it up! For anyone else who needs help starting with these wonderful programmes, please let us know.
We look forward to another lovely half-term together.
Thank you,
Miss Foster & Miss Denise
Curriculum Overview
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If you would like more information about the curriculum SPSM follows, please ask your child's class teacher. Thank you.