
Reception Class Page
Spring Term 1
Welcome to Reception Class! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday and are ready for Spring Term 1. It is a short term but there are lots of exciting events ahead.
Our topic this term is 'Light and Dark'. Please talk to your child about natural and artificial sources of light, nocturnal animals, light sources (especially those found in religion) and shadows. Our Christian Value is 'Hope'. The Bible verse the children are learning is:
'God is our Hope and Strength'.
Class Fund - this term has six weeks; please can you provide £2 per week for your child (£12 for this half-term or £24 for the whole term). This helps us buy resources for the children to use in school. We will be doing lots of cooking and attending more visits and any money left over will go towards our end of year trip.
PE - Thursday afternoons
Please make sure your child brings in the appropriate clothing for PE. They should have black jogging bottoms or leggings, a white t-shirt and trainers. If your child wears tights, please make sure they also have socks in their bag.
Please continue to read with your child every day and support them with their weekly homework. Children will be given a list of 'red words' that they should be able to read and write by the end of Reception. Please ensure that your child is reading and writing these words daily. We recommend displaying the words where your child can access (see and read) these easily.
Class homework is set every Friday and needs to be returned by the following Friday. Book bags are changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please make sure your child has their book bag on these days. If a book bag is lost, it is important that you provide a replacement as soon as possible.
Also, please remember that your child has access to 'ReadingEggs' and 'Mathletics'. Encourage your child to access these wonderful learning resources. Certificates are given out each week for participation.
We will continue to work on a 'Makaton' sign of the week. Using sign in day-to-day activities is a great way to build confidence in communication and boost spoken interactions.
Important Dates:
- Tuesday 28th January 2025 - Reading Cafe
Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak with a member of the Reception Team. Thank you.
Curriculum Map - Reception
If you would like more information about the curriculum SPSM follows, please ask your child's class teacher. Thank you.