Reception Class Page
Autumn Term 1
Welcome to Reception Class! Our topic this term is 'Myself' and we will be talking about ourselves, our families, where we live and the people around us. Please talk to your children about your family members and other important people who are in their lives.
Please read and share books with your child each day, this can become an excellent part of a child's bedtime routine. You can talk about the story and encourage your child to predict what might happen next, looking for clues in the pictures. This is also an excellent way to enhance speaking, listening and attention skills.
This is an important year for children to gain and learn futher independence skills. Please encourage your child to do more things by themselves such as getting dressed and undressed and putting on their own coats and shoes.
We ask you to ensure ALL of your child's belongings are labelled with their names and that they have a spare set of clothes to keep in school.
Our reading books are changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please make sure book bags are returned on these days. PE this term will be on Thursdays.
It is the expectation that children complete their homework each week. This will be sent home on a Friday and needs to be returned to school the following Friday. Every child has a password for Mathletics (Maths) and Reading Eggs (reading). This password can be found inside the reading log. Children can use both these programmes to earn certificates in our awards assembly on Friday mornings.
Show and Tell - we will be learning a new sound each week. You can help support your child by bringing in an object or picture relating to the sound of the week. We will display the new sound on the classroom door.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak with a member of the Reception Team. Thank you.
Curriculum Map - Reception
If you would like more information about the curriculum SPSM follows, please ask your child's class teacher. Thank you.