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School Logo

St Paul's With St Michael's

CE Primary School

Think • Share • Achieve

Year 4

Year 4's Class page.

Spring Term 1


After a wonderful Autumn Term we are now looking forward to Spring Term 1.  Our topic this term is 'Arctic Adventures'.  We were so impressed with the projects that were completed over the Christmas holidays; it is fantastic that the children now have a lot of background knowledge on our topic.


Our Destination Reader book is 'The Ice Palace' by Robert Swindells.  In Science we will be focusing on Living Things and Habitats.  A link to view our full curriculum is at the end of this page.


PE lessons will continue to take place each Monday and Wednesday.  The children should continue to bring their PE kits to school on Monday.  However, on Wednesdays, PE will now be in the morning so children can come to school with their PE kits on.  They can then change into their school uniform after PE.  The PE kit remains unchanged - a white t-shirt and black bottoms with black trainers.


We have a 'soft start' from 8:45am (Tuesday - Friday).  This is an excellent opportunity to address misconceptions within learning, so please encourage your chid to attend at this time.


Children will be given homework each Friday with the expectation that it is returned the following Wednesday.  If you are experiencing any issues with Google Classroom, please do let us know.  Spelling and Numeracy tests will take place each Friday.  Children also need to bring their completed and signed reading records and book bags on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Reading records need to contain a comment based on the reading stem for that week.


There will be a big foucs this year on recalling multiplication facts so it is essential that children are supported at home with learning their times tables.  This is an essential skill for future success in Numeracy.


If you have any questions regarding any aspects of your child's learning or welfare, please do not hesitate to approach a member of the Year 4 teaching team.  Thank you.

If you would like more information about the curriculum SPSM follows, please ask your child's class teacher.  Thank you.

How to submit assignment in Google Classroom tutorial

In this Google Classroom tutorial, you'll see Google Classroom for students examples on how to submit assignments. Subscribe for more!...

Times Tables Information

St Paul's With St Michael's Primary School

57a Brougham Road, Hackney

London, England, E8 4PB

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