Year 1

Year 1 - Welcome to our Class Page
Spring Term 1
Hello to all of our parents and carers. We hope you had a fantastic Christmas holiday and are ready for an exciting new term. Please read on for futher information about the structure of Year 1.
Book bags need to come in to school every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please read with your child each day and make a comment in their reading log. This helps us to know that they have read the book and are understanding / comprehending the text.
Homework will be sent home on a Friday and needs to be returned the following Friday. Please support your child to complete their homework as it consolidates the work that we have done in class. Also, Reading Eggs, Mathletics and Education City are excellent tools to use for homework support. Children can also earn certificates for completing weekly tasks on Reading Eggs and Mathletics.
Children will be completing a weekly spelling test each Friday. The spelling words will be sent home for you to work on with your child.
PE will take place each Wednesday and Thursday. Children need to bring their PE kit (black bottoms, white t-shirt and black trainers) in a separate bag on these days. The correct school uniform should be worn each day. Please see our school website for more information. Shoes should only be black and children should not wear jewellery (with the exception of small stud earrings) or nail varnish.
Our topics this term are:
Science - Everyday Materials
History - Understanding how toys have changed over time
RE - Judaism
More information about special events will be sent home in the near future however, should you have any questions, please speak to one of the Year 1 team. Thank you.
Year 1 Curriculum Map
If you would like more information about the curriculum SPSM follows, please ask your child's class teacher. Thank you.