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St Paul's With St Michael's

CE Primary School

Think • Share • Achieve

Car Parking / Cycling to School and Cycle Training

School Streets Hackney

From September 2020 the school entrance on Brougham Road has been designated as a 'School Street' by the London Borough of Hackney.  This means that there are new restrictions for traffic at school starting and finishing times during the school term.  The link below will give more information on this and a map to show the area restrictions.


Parking at School and Cycling to School


At SPSM we encourage children to cycle to school if possible. 

We have our very own covered bike shelter on our premises where children can lock their bikes each morning when they arrive.

Cycling to school has many advantages on your child's health and fitness as well as solving the parking problem for parents and carers.

Thank you


Polite Notice to Parents and Carers about Parking & Cycling:


The School Car Park is for Staff use ONLY and parents/carers should not park in the car park at any time as space is very restricted.


PLEASE do NOT park and obstruct the entrance outside the car park off Brougham Road at any time.  Many children and parents use this entrance on a daily basis and their safety is key.  Also this entrance should be kept clear for EMERGENCY vehicles at all times (it is also illegal to park on the double yellow lines).


Please DO NOT double park in front of our neighbours cars/driveways in the surrounding roads at any time as they may need access themselves.  We would kindly ask you to consider them when parking to drop off and collect your children.


If you are having trouble parking you may like to consider cycling to school with your children.  Not only is this great exercise but you will not have any parking problems!  The London Borough of Hackney provide cycle training and bike surgeries for families:


Thank you

St Paul's With St Michael's Primary School

57a Brougham Road, Hackney

London, England, E8 4PB

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