Year 3
Year 3 Class Page
Spring Term 1
Welcome to Year 3! This Spring Term our topic is Earthquakes and Volcanoes. This links well to our Science topic which is Rocks and Soils; children will begin to explore more deeply within the area of soils. In RE we will be learning about Judaism. To complement our corss-curricular topic, we will be focussing on non-fiction texts in Literacy and reading the historical fiction book 'Escape from Pompeii'.
Homework will continue to be set on Google Classroom each Friday with the expectation that it is completed by the following Wednesday. Your support with this is greatly appreciated. Every child has a 'Mathletics' and 'Reading Eggs' login and password, please encourage your child to access these programmes every day for at least 15 minutes. Children can earn certificates each week for the participation and achievement! Login information can be found in children's reading records.
Book bags continue to be sent home every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please support your child with their reading by listening to them read (and / or encouraging them to read to a sibling) and filling in their reading records with a comment about the book that they are reading.
PE days are Monday (pm) and Friday (pm). PE kits (black bottoms, black trainers and a white t-shirt) should be brought to school in a bag, ready to change into.
We have some exciting trips and events planned. Our first visit is to The Hackney School of Food on 3rd February and a futher visit to The Natural History Museum is being organised. We will send home further details nearer the time.
Many thanks for your continued support. If you do have any questions about your child's learning or well-being, please make an appointment to speak with one of the Year 3 team.
Curriculum Map - Year 3
If you would like more information about the curriculum SPSM follows, please ask your child's class teacher. Thank you.