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School Logo

St Paul's With St Michael's

CE Primary School

Think • Share • Achieve

School Values

Our School Ethos


Our Vision


Through God’s love, we value, nurture and challenge everyone to achieve their best; aspiring to a promising future.


Our Motto:

Think - Share - Achieve


As a Church School, our aims are:

  • To enable our children to achieve excellence in education
  • To provide a friendly, caring and stimulating environment which is conducive to learning
  • To help our children acquire the knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes which will enable them to be full and responsible members of society
  • To create a whole school ethos that reflects equality of opportunity, develop a positive self- image and foster mutual respect
  • To encourage our children to have high expectations for themselves and others
  • To teach in ways which encourage children to be confident and independent  learners and progress, in partnership with the wider community
  • To ensure equal access to materials and resources available for these aims to be realised
  • To encourage our children to feel a sense of pride in their school so that they respect and care for their surroundings
  • To encourage children to develop and apply Christian values and beliefs throughout their lives whilst sharing a knowledge and understanding of other world religions
  • To foster spiritual awareness through collective worship


St Paul's With St Michael's Primary School

57a Brougham Road, Hackney

London, England, E8 4PB

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