Home / School Agreement
Home/School/Child Agreement
The school will be committed to:
- Encourage children to do their best at all times
- Encourage children to take care of their surroundings and others around them
- Inform parents of their children's progress through parents’ evenings and annual written reports
- Provide quality teaching following a balanced curriculum to meet the needs of the children
- Provide a safe and orderly environment for children within the school
- Respond promptly to enquiries of parents/carers
- Keep parents informed on our Website/letters/parent mail
- Deliver a broad and balanced curriculum
- Keep an open dialogue with children so their voices and views are heard
Mrs. K. LOT
The family will encourage and support the school and my child's education by:
- Making sure that my child arrives on time at school - by 9.00 a.m or 8:45 a.m (depending on the class start time)
- Making sure that my child is collected on time - at 3.30 p.m or 3:40 p.m (in line with the class finishing time)
- Making sure that my child attends school regularly and provide a note of explanation if my child is absent
- Ensure I or a responsible adult collect my child at the end of their school day
- Attending parents’ evenings (phone calls or meetings) to discuss my child's progress
- Ensuring that my child is dressed in the school uniform and is tidy in appearance
- Supporting my child in completing homework
- Informing the school about any problems affecting my child's work and behaviour
- Ensuring I update the school of any changes to my child’s medical needs and provide relevant evidence
- Ensuring I update the school with contact details when they change
The child will:
- Be gentle
- Be kind and helpful
- Be respectful
- Be honest
- Listen to others
- Look after property
- Work hard
- Follow instructions