Online Safety Week
Online Safety Week
We take online safety very seriously here at SPSM and we are proud to a National Online Safety School. This week we hosted online safety week where we reminded ourselves of how we stay safe online and how we help others to remain safe. Our theme was 'Too Good to be True? Protect yourself and others online'. and we considered how there are sometimes risks online that might catch us out. SPSM welcomed the Konfulx Theatre Company who treated us to workshops and worked with Years 3 and 6 to plan, write and perform two 'plays in a day' around our online safety week topic. Both year groups really engaged with the plays and performed at the end of each day to the rest of the school. Being online is fun and exciting but we want to remind all online users that things can go wrong too. For more information and special guides to starting online safety conversations with your children take a look at our parent guides to online safety on the school website. In the meantime, enjoy the pictures of our actors!